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error in routine open_file (error code 2)
I am running the CCLM in a model chain.
Everything went fine, but now all of a sudden I get an error in the int2lm step:
In month 06/2003 after successful opening all necessary input lffd*-files, and writing output *lbfd*-files til 2003070100 the program tries to open an *lfsd2003070103 file, which obviously does not exist (and doesn’t have to):
Neither int2lm nor model configuration has been changed in the meantime.
int2lm version is 1.10_clm14 (model version is 4.8_clm19)
I assume that the file lffd2003070103.nc does not exist, at least not in that directory from which INT2LM reads these lffd-files.
But as I wrote, it is for June 2003. So the last file being opened should be the 00z file of the next month: lffd2003070100.
Instead it additionaly tries to open the file lfsd2003070103, i.e. wrong/unclear file header lfsd plus a not necessary timestep.
Of course this file is not in the directory. But why should it exist in that directory (for June) at all?
As I said all int2lm runs before worked fine without such a file.
The question is why int2lm now demands this file?
Can you provide the files INPUT and OUTPUT ?
Burkhardt Rockel wrote:
> Can you provide the files INPUT and OUTPUT ?
Thanks. Files are attached.
ydate_ini=‘2003060100’, hstart=0.0, hstop=5136, hincbound=3,
is not just for June, it goes until 2004010100
If you want only June you need to set
ydate_ini=‘2003060100’, hstart=0.0, hstop=720, hincbound=3,
Do you have an idea, how this could happen since I run the model in chain mode?
And I didn’t change the configuration in the meantime.
This can normally not happen.
In the int2lm.job.tmpl after the line
you may put an echo:
Now it works again. @{NEXT_DATE} was 2003070100 as supposed.
Though I have no clue why this happened.
Anyway. Thanks for your fast help.