error in routine open_file (error code 2) – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Thanks. <br/> But as I wrote, it is for June 2003. So the last file being opened should be the <strong> 00z </strong> file of the next month: lffd2003070100. </p> <p> Instead it <strong> additionaly </strong> tries to open the file lfsd2003070103, i.e. wrong/unclear file header <strong> lfsd </strong> plus a not necessary timestep. <br/> Of course this file is not in the directory. But why should it exist in that directory (for June) at all? <br/> As I said all int2lm runs before worked fine without such a file. </p> <p> The question is why int2lm now demands this file? </p>

  @redc_migration in #65110b1

<p> Thanks. <br/> But as I wrote, it is for June 2003. So the last file being opened should be the <strong> 00z </strong> file of the next month: lffd2003070100. </p> <p> Instead it <strong> additionaly </strong> tries to open the file lfsd2003070103, i.e. wrong/unclear file header <strong> lfsd </strong> plus a not necessary timestep. <br/> Of course this file is not in the directory. But why should it exist in that directory (for June) at all? <br/> As I said all int2lm runs before worked fine without such a file. </p> <p> The question is why int2lm now demands this file? </p>

But as I wrote, it is for June 2003. So the last file being opened should be the 00z file of the next month: lffd2003070100.

Instead it additionaly tries to open the file lfsd2003070103, i.e. wrong/unclear file header lfsd plus a not necessary timestep.
Of course this file is not in the directory. But why should it exist in that directory (for June) at all?
As I said all int2lm runs before worked fine without such a file.

The question is why int2lm now demands this file?