Error Code 1002 – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Please always check first whether you namelist parameters are valid for the INT2LM version you use: <br/> e.g. <code> lprog_qni=.TRUE., lprog_qn_crsg=.TRUE., </code> <br/> are no valid namelist parameters in int2lm2.0_clm4. They are in introduced in version int2lm2.1 which is not a supported <span class="caps"> CLM </span> -Community version. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #24799f4

<p> Please always check first whether you namelist parameters are valid for the INT2LM version you use: <br/> e.g. <code> lprog_qni=.TRUE., lprog_qn_crsg=.TRUE., </code> <br/> are no valid namelist parameters in int2lm2.0_clm4. They are in introduced in version int2lm2.1 which is not a supported <span class="caps"> CLM </span> -Community version. </p>

Please always check first whether you namelist parameters are valid for the INT2LM version you use:
e.g. lprog_qni=.TRUE., lprog_qn_crsg=.TRUE.,
are no valid namelist parameters in int2lm2.0_clm4. They are in introduced in version int2lm2.1 which is not a supported CLM -Community version.