Error Code 1002 – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear all, <br/> I have also faced a very similar Problem while running INT2LM. I get the following Errors: </p> <pre> 0: INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS 0: Namelist-ERROR CONTRL: invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input, unit 21, file /mnt/lustre02/work/bb0937/Ref_run/joboutputs/int2lm/1999_11/INPUT, line 6, position 15 0: ERROR *** while reading NAMELIST Group /CONTRL/ *** 0: *** A default set for vcoord parameters is used: 2 0: *** A default set for refatm parameters is used: 2 0: ERROR *** yinext_form_read 0: netCDF format not implemented for the chosen input model 0: ERROR *** yin_form_read 0: netCDF format not implemented for the chosen input model </pre> <p> and it also crashes with Error Code 1002. We cannot find a solution for this problem, so I would be very grateful for your help. <br/> Thank you very much! <br/> Eva </p>

  @evanowatzki in #565f3da

<p> Dear all, <br/> I have also faced a very similar Problem while running INT2LM. I get the following Errors: </p> <pre> 0: INPUT OF THE NAMELISTS 0: Namelist-ERROR CONTRL: invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input, unit 21, file /mnt/lustre02/work/bb0937/Ref_run/joboutputs/int2lm/1999_11/INPUT, line 6, position 15 0: ERROR *** while reading NAMELIST Group /CONTRL/ *** 0: *** A default set for vcoord parameters is used: 2 0: *** A default set for refatm parameters is used: 2 0: ERROR *** yinext_form_read 0: netCDF format not implemented for the chosen input model 0: ERROR *** yin_form_read 0: netCDF format not implemented for the chosen input model </pre> <p> and it also crashes with Error Code 1002. We cannot find a solution for this problem, so I would be very grateful for your help. <br/> Thank you very much! <br/> Eva </p>

Dear all,
I have also faced a very similar Problem while running INT2LM. I get the following Errors:

  0: Namelist-ERROR CONTRL: invalid reference to variable in NAMELIST input, unit 21, file /mnt/lustre02/work/bb0937/Ref_run/joboutputs/int2lm/1999_11/INPUT, line 6, position 15
  0:   ERROR    *** while reading NAMELIST Group /CONTRL/ ***
  0:   *** A default set for vcoord parameters is used:            2
  0:   *** A  default set for refatm parameters is used:            2
  0:   ERROR    *** yinext_form_read 
  0:         netCDF format not implemented for the chosen input model
  0:   ERROR    *** yin_form_read 
  0:         netCDF format not implemented for the chosen input model

and it also crashes with Error Code 1002. We cannot find a solution for this problem, so I would be very grateful for your help.
Thank you very much!