Model initialization from ERA-Interim data: what happens with soil temperature? – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> Dear colleges, </p> <p> I use <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> - <span class="caps"> CLM </span> model for seasonal simulations, driven by <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim data (so yinput_model=‘CM’). I was looking how model simulates soil temperatures (in comparison with observation data at different depths) and found very strange problem: initial soil temperature profiles looks completely different from soil temperature profiles in reanalysis data (both from T_SO in caf-files, both from the data, taken directly from <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim website). It seems that soil in model is initialized without usage of soil temperature from reanalysis. </p> <p> When I’ve increased idbg_level, I get this messages: </p> <p> variable 33 T_SO not needed for boundary fields 70 <br/> variable 34 W_SO not needed for boundary fields 70 </p> <p> So, am I right that soil temperature from reanalysis is not used for model initialization? If I am right, what should I do to use it? Maybe have I’ve forget some switches? </p> <p> Thanks in advance, <br/> Mikhail </p>

  @mikhailvarentsov in #9886544

<p> Dear colleges, </p> <p> I use <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> - <span class="caps"> CLM </span> model for seasonal simulations, driven by <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim data (so yinput_model=‘CM’). I was looking how model simulates soil temperatures (in comparison with observation data at different depths) and found very strange problem: initial soil temperature profiles looks completely different from soil temperature profiles in reanalysis data (both from T_SO in caf-files, both from the data, taken directly from <span class="caps"> ERA </span> -Interim website). It seems that soil in model is initialized without usage of soil temperature from reanalysis. </p> <p> When I’ve increased idbg_level, I get this messages: </p> <p> variable 33 T_SO not needed for boundary fields 70 <br/> variable 34 W_SO not needed for boundary fields 70 </p> <p> So, am I right that soil temperature from reanalysis is not used for model initialization? If I am right, what should I do to use it? Maybe have I’ve forget some switches? </p> <p> Thanks in advance, <br/> Mikhail </p>

Model initialization from ERA-Interim data: what happens with soil temperature?

Dear colleges,

I use COSMO - CLM model for seasonal simulations, driven by ERA -Interim data (so yinput_model=‘CM’). I was looking how model simulates soil temperatures (in comparison with observation data at different depths) and found very strange problem: initial soil temperature profiles looks completely different from soil temperature profiles in reanalysis data (both from T_SO in caf-files, both from the data, taken directly from ERA -Interim website). It seems that soil in model is initialized without usage of soil temperature from reanalysis.

When I’ve increased idbg_level, I get this messages:

variable 33 T_SO not needed for boundary fields 70
variable 34 W_SO not needed for boundary fields 70

So, am I right that soil temperature from reanalysis is not used for model initialization? If I am right, what should I do to use it? Maybe have I’ve forget some switches?

Thanks in advance,

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<p> You are right. Presently only the initial soil water is taken from the coarse grid model in climate mode (yinput_model=‘CM’ and itype_w_so_rel &gt; 0) . The initial soil temperature is calculated as an exponential function between the T_S from the coarse grid model and the climatological T_CL from the external data set. The T_SO in the reanalyses data is presently not used. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #4fa02d1

<p> You are right. Presently only the initial soil water is taken from the coarse grid model in climate mode (yinput_model=‘CM’ and itype_w_so_rel &gt; 0) . The initial soil temperature is calculated as an exponential function between the T_S from the coarse grid model and the climatological T_CL from the external data set. The T_SO in the reanalyses data is presently not used. </p>

You are right. Presently only the initial soil water is taken from the coarse grid model in climate mode (yinput_model=‘CM’ and itype_w_so_rel > 0) . The initial soil temperature is calculated as an exponential function between the T_S from the coarse grid model and the climatological T_CL from the external data set. The T_SO in the reanalyses data is presently not used.

<p> Dear Burkhardt, thank you for the answer! </p> <p> 1) In this case, are there any possibility to use T_SO from reanalysis? Or it will be simpler to correct corresponding <span class="caps"> LAF </span> -file before running <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> ? <br/> 2) If soil water content is taken from reanalysis, why I have message that “variable 34 W_SO not needed for boundary fields”? </p>

  @mikhailvarentsov in #46909b8

<p> Dear Burkhardt, thank you for the answer! </p> <p> 1) In this case, are there any possibility to use T_SO from reanalysis? Or it will be simpler to correct corresponding <span class="caps"> LAF </span> -file before running <span class="caps"> CCLM </span> ? <br/> 2) If soil water content is taken from reanalysis, why I have message that “variable 34 W_SO not needed for boundary fields”? </p>

Dear Burkhardt, thank you for the answer!

1) In this case, are there any possibility to use T_SO from reanalysis? Or it will be simpler to correct corresponding LAF -file before running CCLM ?
2) If soil water content is taken from reanalysis, why I have message that “variable 34 W_SO not needed for boundary fields”?

<p> 1) The best way would be to introduce an interpolation in the subroutine <code> init_multi_layer_cm </code> which is located in the module file <code> src_2d_fields.f90 </code> . The line <br/> <pre> t_so_lm(i,j,kso) = t_cl_lm(i,j) + (t_s_lm(i,j) - t_cl_lm(i,j)) * EXP(-zmls(kso)/2.8) </pre> <br/> calculates T_SO by the exponential function I mentioned in my previous reply. At this place one may put the interpolation of T_SO of the reanalysis data. If you decide to do this it would be greatly appreciated. In case you succeed, please provide your changes to the <span class="caps"> CLM </span> -Community. Please take into account that the lowest model level has the fixed value T_CL. </p> <p> 2) T_SO and W_SO are only used from reanalysis for initialization, during the further simulation they develop freely. </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #fb6f6ef

<p> 1) The best way would be to introduce an interpolation in the subroutine <code> init_multi_layer_cm </code> which is located in the module file <code> src_2d_fields.f90 </code> . The line <br/> <pre> t_so_lm(i,j,kso) = t_cl_lm(i,j) + (t_s_lm(i,j) - t_cl_lm(i,j)) * EXP(-zmls(kso)/2.8) </pre> <br/> calculates T_SO by the exponential function I mentioned in my previous reply. At this place one may put the interpolation of T_SO of the reanalysis data. If you decide to do this it would be greatly appreciated. In case you succeed, please provide your changes to the <span class="caps"> CLM </span> -Community. Please take into account that the lowest model level has the fixed value T_CL. </p> <p> 2) T_SO and W_SO are only used from reanalysis for initialization, during the further simulation they develop freely. </p>

1) The best way would be to introduce an interpolation in the subroutine init_multi_layer_cm which is located in the module file src_2d_fields.f90 . The line

            t_so_lm(i,j,kso) = t_cl_lm(i,j) + (t_s_lm(i,j) - t_cl_lm(i,j)) * EXP(-zmls(kso)/2.8)

calculates T_SO by the exponential function I mentioned in my previous reply. At this place one may put the interpolation of T_SO of the reanalysis data. If you decide to do this it would be greatly appreciated. In case you succeed, please provide your changes to the CLM -Community. Please take into account that the lowest model level has the fixed value T_CL.

2) T_SO and W_SO are only used from reanalysis for initialization, during the further simulation they develop freely.