Running CCLM with T_S from reanalysis? – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hi, <br/> in idealized mode (initial and boundary data are created within the model and <br/> do not come from external files) lsoil=.false. perfectly works. So <br/> I do not think that it is a fundamental problem, but maybe some small <br/> issue with the treatment of initial- and/or boundary data in the model. <br/> Maybe t_s is not initialized properly on both time levels. </p>

  @ulrichblahak in #ef3d76a

<p> Hi, <br/> in idealized mode (initial and boundary data are created within the model and <br/> do not come from external files) lsoil=.false. perfectly works. So <br/> I do not think that it is a fundamental problem, but maybe some small <br/> issue with the treatment of initial- and/or boundary data in the model. <br/> Maybe t_s is not initialized properly on both time levels. </p>

in idealized mode (initial and boundary data are created within the model and
do not come from external files) lsoil=.false. perfectly works. So
I do not think that it is a fundamental problem, but maybe some small
issue with the treatment of initial- and/or boundary data in the model.
Maybe t_s is not initialized properly on both time levels.