DIACTL number of station list – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hello again, <br/> the noffset command is ok. It is just by chance that here is also a “20”. In my standard run-script I use 35 stations without problems. Can we please see your namelist input. </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #2f60da8

<p> Hello again, <br/> the noffset command is ok. It is just by chance that here is also a “20”. In my standard run-script I use 35 stations without problems. Can we please see your namelist input. </p> <p> Ciao <br/> Uli </p>

Hello again,
the noffset command is ok. It is just by chance that here is also a “20”. In my standard run-script I use 35 stations without problems. Can we please see your namelist input.
