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DIACTL number of station list
Dear colleagues,
is there any maximum number of stations which can be included in DIACTL ? Adding 21 obs-stations to the list is ok and beyond it is not. Is there a possibility to increase the number of stations?
I would like to list about 62 stations.
Best regards,
Hallo Merja,
I do not know any limit of ngp_tot, the number of stations.
Please upload the logfile.
Is it possible that you specified a station outside of the domain?
Greetings, Andreas
Hello Merja,
there is a limit, it is in the module src_gridpoints.f90 and the PARAMETER is nmaxgp: but in our version this is set to 100, so should not be a limitation for you. Please check this. But also check your specifications, if your nmaxgp > 21
Thanks a lot for your informations. Also in my cclm version nmaxgp is set to 100. The log-file is not very conclusive. It just tells me that there is an error in input DIACTL . I checked if there is a typing error, but there is not. I included different station combinations, but it always crashes if I have more that 21 stations.
Maybe the problem is in:
organize_diagnosis.f90: noffset = 20 + 2 * nmaxgp
Attached is the log-file.
Hello again,
the noffset command is ok. It is just by chance that here is also a “20”. In my standard run-script I use 35 stations without problems. Can we please see your namelist input.
&DIACTL n0meanval=0, nincmeanval=24, lgplong=.FALSE., lgpshort=.TRUE., lgpspec=.FALSE., n0gp=0, hincgp=6.0, stationlist_tot= 0, 0, 52.220, 14.135, ‘Lindenberg_Obs’, 0, 0, 53.633, 9.983, ‘Hamburg’, 0, 0, 50.32, 8.413,‘Linden’, 0, 0, 50.8, 4.3, ‘Uccle’, 0, 0, 50.5, 9.983333, ‘Ehrenberg-Wuestensachsen’, 0, 0, 50.53333, 9.933333, ‘Hilders-Dietges’, 0, 0, 50.71667, 9.9, ‘Rasdorf’, 0, 0, 50.66667, 9.916667, ‘Spahl’, 0, 0, 50.85, 9.966667, ‘Philippsthal-Roehrigshof’, 0, 0, 50.9, 10.01667, ‘Heringen’, 0, 0, 50.8, 10.01667, ‘Vacha’, 0, 0, 50.53333, 10.05, ‘Birx’, 0, 0, 50.71667, 9.95, ‘Geisa’, 0, 0, 50.53333, 10.05, ‘BirxRhoen’, 0, 0, 51.01667, 9.933333, ‘Nentershausen’, 0, 0, 50.5, 9.95, ‘Wasserkuppe’, 0, 0, 50.48333, 9.866667, ‘Poppenhausen’, 0, 0, 50.46667, 9.766667, ‘Ebersburg-Ried’, 0, 0, 50.45, 9.616667, ‘Neuhof’, 0, 0, 50.4, 9.783333, ‘Motten’, 0, 0, 50.53333, 9.683333, ‘Fulda’, 0, 0, 50.48333, 9,333333, ‘Grebenhain’, 0, 0, 50.5, 9.483333, ‘Hosenfeld’, 0, 0, 50.55, 9.516667, ‘Grossenlueder-Kleinluede’, 0, 0, 50.66667, 9.666667, ‘Huenfeld-Michelsrombach’, 0, 0, 50.56667, 9.35, ‘Herbstein’, 0, 0, 50.63333, 9.45, ‘Wartenberg-Angersbach’, 0, 0, 50.61667, 9.5, ‘Bad Salzschlirf’, 0, 0, 50.75, 9.416667, ‘Grebenau-Reimenrod’, 0, 0, 50.75, 9.466667, ‘Grebenau’, 0, 0, 50.85, 9.466667, ‘Oberaula’, 0, 0, 50.83333, 9.583333, ‘Kirchheim’, 0, 0, 50.8, 9.483333, ‘Breitenbach-Machtlos’, 0, 0, 50.85, 9.733333, ‘Bad Hersfeld’, 0, 0, 50.5, 9.8, ‘Kuenzell-Dietershausen’, 0, 0, 50.55, 9.8, ‘Dipperz’, 0, 0, 50.58333, 9.883333, ‘Hofbieber-Elters’, 0, 0, 50.66667, 9.783333, ‘Huenfeld’, 0, 0, 50.73333, 9.666667, ‘Haunetal-Wehrda’, 0, 0, 50.76667, 9.8, ‘Eiterfeld’, 0, 0, 50.88333, 9.85, ‘Friedewald’, 0, 0, 50.95, 9.65, ‘Ludwigsau-Niederthalhaus’, 0, 0, 50.91667, 9.766667, ‘Ludwigsau-Mecklar’, 0, 0, 50.95, 9.883333, ‘Ronshausen’, 0, 0, 51.05, 9.766667, ‘Rotenburg’, 0, 0, 51.11667, 9.75, ‘Spangenberg-Bischofferod’, 0, 0, 51.11667, 9.666667, ‘Spangenberg’, 0, 0, 51.13333, 9.516667, ‘Melsungen-Buerstoss’, 0, 0, 50.7, 9.333333, ‘Schwalmtal-Bruaerschwend’, 0, 0, 50.9, 9.4, ‘Neukirchen-Hauptschwenda’, 0, 0, 50.91667, 9.35, ‘Neukirchen-Seigertshausen’, 0, 0, 50.95, 9.466667, ‘Homberg’, 0, 0, 51.23333, 9.366667, ‘Edermuende-Bilstein’, 0, 0, 50.41667, 10.1, ‘Sandberg’, 0, 0, 50.3, 9.6, ‘Sinntal-Weiperz’, 0, 0, 50.43333, 9.4, ‘Freiensteinau’, 0, 0, 50.41667, 9.466667, ‘Steinau-Hintersteinau’, 0, 0, 50.5049024, 6.3313825, ‘TR32-Wuestebach’, 0, 0, 50.8658, 6.4473, ‘TR32-Selhausen’, 0, 0, 50.621914, 6.304126, ‘TR32-Rollesbroich’, 0, 0, 50.38333, 9.3, ‘Birstein-Fischborn’, 0, 0, 50.86667, 9.7, ‘BadHersfeld1’, 0, 0, 51.3, 9.45, ‘Kassel’, /END
0, 0, 50.53333, 9.683333, ‘Fulda’,
0, 0, 50.48333, 9,333333, ‘Grebenhain’,
Maybe the comma is wrong (9,33333) ?
Thanks a lot, that was the problem.