DIACTL number of station list – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> 0, 0, 50.53333, 9.683333, ‘Fulda’, <br/> 0, 0, 50.48333, 9,333333, ‘Grebenhain’, </p> <p> Maybe the comma is wrong (9,33333) ? </p> <p> Gruss, <br/> Jenny </p>

  @jenniferbrauch in #6bbbbdb

<p> 0, 0, 50.53333, 9.683333, ‘Fulda’, <br/> 0, 0, 50.48333, 9,333333, ‘Grebenhain’, </p> <p> Maybe the comma is wrong (9,33333) ? </p> <p> Gruss, <br/> Jenny </p>

0, 0, 50.53333, 9.683333, ‘Fulda’,
0, 0, 50.48333, 9,333333, ‘Grebenhain’,

Maybe the comma is wrong (9,33333) ?
