Delei Li in #9: CCLM on June 14 (#a50ef6d)

in #9: CCLM

<p> You can compile the COSMO Model without usage of RTTOV. For that you have to delete an existing -DRTTOV10 in the compiler options. Note that RTTOV package is not publicly available for everybody. </p> <p> Ciao </p> <p> Uli Schättler </p>

  @ulrichschättler in #924b418

<p> You can compile the COSMO Model without usage of RTTOV. For that you have to delete an existing -DRTTOV10 in the compiler options. Note that RTTOV package is not publicly available for everybody. </p> <p> Ciao </p> <p> Uli Schättler </p>

You can compile the COSMO Model without usage of RTTOV. For that you have to delete an existing -DRTTOV10 in the compiler options. Note that RTTOV package is not publicly available for everybody.


Uli Schättler