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failed to install CCLM using the start package: no library files librttov10.2.a libradiance10.2.a
Dear colleagues,
We are now installing CCLM on a supercomputer based on cosmo-clm_sp-v5.0. However it failed, which is supposed to be caused by missing of files librttov10.2.a libradiance10.2.a. The error information is in the attached figure. Does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you very much.
Best regards,
You can compile the COSMO Model without usage of RTTOV. For that you have to delete an existing -DRTTOV10 in the compiler options. Note that RTTOV package is not publicly available for everybody.
Uli Schättler
Dear Dr. Schättler,
Thank you. The problem has been sovled based on you suggestion. We have another issue in compiling the model. The DWD GRIB1 Library installation tar-file DWD-libgrib1_<date>.tar.gz is not available in the start package. This seems to be a necessary library for both Int2lm and COSMO. Is it possible to get it from anywhere?
Best regards,
Hello Delei,
also the GRIB library can be switched off during compilation (if you do not need to read/write Grib files): There is a pragma -DGRIBDWD : if you remove it, the DWD Grib library will not be used (and also there is a -DGRIBAPI to switch on/off usage of eccodes library).