Delei Li in #9: CCLM on June 14 (#a50ef6d)

in #9: CCLM

<p> Dear Dr. Schättler, </p> <p> Thank you. The problem has been sovled based on you suggestion.  We have another issue in compiling the model. The DWD GRIB1 Library installation tar-file DWD-libgrib1_&lt;date&gt;.tar.gz is not available in the start package. This seems to be a necessary library for both Int2lm and COSMO.  Is it possible to get it from anywhere? </p> <p> Thanks. </p> <p> Best regards, </p> <p> Delei </p>

  @deleili in #b7a9692

<p> Dear Dr. Schättler, </p> <p> Thank you. The problem has been sovled based on you suggestion.  We have another issue in compiling the model. The DWD GRIB1 Library installation tar-file DWD-libgrib1_&lt;date&gt;.tar.gz is not available in the start package. This seems to be a necessary library for both Int2lm and COSMO.  Is it possible to get it from anywhere? </p> <p> Thanks. </p> <p> Best regards, </p> <p> Delei </p>

Dear Dr. Schättler,

Thank you. The problem has been sovled based on you suggestion.  We have another issue in compiling the model. The DWD GRIB1 Library installation tar-file DWD-libgrib1_<date>.tar.gz is not available in the start package. This seems to be a necessary library for both Int2lm and COSMO.  Is it possible to get it from anywhere?


Best regards,
