01 South America

None None

CORDEX South America

Model domain

Contributing partners from the CLM-Community

  • Stefan Lange (PIK, Potsdam)


Model sensitivities to parametrizations of convection and non-precipitating subgrid-scale clouds have been studied (see references). Results may also be valid for simulations of other tropical domains.

Simulations performed or planned by the CLM-Community

Runs at 0.44° (approx. 50 km)

An evaluation run was performed by PIK using ERA-Interim data as boundary forcing for the time period 1998 - 2011.

Model Setup


Lange, S., B. Rockel, J. Volkholz, and B. Bookhagen, 2014: Regional climate model sensitivities to parametrizations of convection and non-precipitating subgrid-scale clouds over South America. Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2199-0.